Beginning July 1, Washoe County park rangers and district managers will add “enforcement officer” to their titles, and will have the authority to issue citations and fines for code violations at all Regional Parks and Open Space areas.
The Washoe County Chapter 95 Code enabling enforcement officers to issue citations was changed by the Board of County Commissioners in May 2022. Park leadership has taken the time since then to thoughtfully apply fines to violations and thoroughly train enforcement officers.
“We met extensively with Washoe County Regional Animal Services and Code Enforcement staff to understand the best practices in deterring violators so that fines are a last resort,” Parks Superintendent Colleen Wallace-Barnum said. “We sent four of our rangers to the Ranger Excellence School in Colorado to learn from the best so we can provide the best service to our park guests.”
There are 39 specific violations that can be cited at regional parks, but the most common are off-leash dogs, illegal parking, amplified music, defacement of park property and illegal camping. All fines will start at $200 but can go as high as $800 for repeat offenses. And fines will be cut in half if they’re paid within 30 days.
“We want our parks to be safe and enjoyable for everyone, and that means following the rules,” Wallace-Barnum said.
Learn more about Washoe County Parks and Open Space, as well as citations and fines, at