Logo Download
The official Washoe County logo is a blue and white two-color logo. Two other variations can be used, black or white. You can download each variation below.

Please delete our old tri-color logo from your media library. This logo is no longer used. Thank you.
Commissioner Alexis Hill
Commissioner Michael Clark
Commissioner Mariluz Garcia
Commissioner Clara Andriola
Commissioner Jeanne Herman
County Manager Eric Brown
For more leadership information:
Washoe County Jurisdiction and Services
Washoe County is home to over 6,500 sprawling square miles, bordering both California and Oregon with nearly half a million residents who call our region home. Washoe County’s recreation and outdoors experiences are second to none with 49 beautiful parks, 161 miles of trails, and more than 10,000 acres of open space.
Live stream
Commission meetings are live-streamed on the Washoe County YouTube channel and archived for viewing at any time.
Media requests should be directed to Washoe311:
Other Media Contacts:
General inquiries: Bethany Drysdale, bdrysdale@washoecounty.gov
Human Services Agency: Chris Ciarlo, cciarlo@washoecounty.gov
Health District: Scott Oxarart, soxarart@washoecounty.gov
District Attorney: Kendall Holcomb, kholcomb@da.washoecounty.gov
Truckee Meadows Fire: Adam Mayberry, amayberry@tmfpd.us
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The images, branding and logos presented in our Washoe County Press Kits have been published for the expressed use for members of the media. If you are not a member of the media, please contact communications@washoecounty.gov to receive permission to use these materials.