Washoe County Registrar of Voters reminds voters to register to vote or update registration early

by | Dec 1, 2023

The presidential election cycle is quickly approaching, and now is the time to check your voter registration, Washoe County Registrar of Voters Jamie Rodriguez announced today. 

“If a voter has moved, wants to change parties, or opt out of a mail-in ballot, now is the time to do it,” Rodriguez said. “Just taking a couple of minutes to double-check that your voter registration is current can save time and headaches on Election Day.”  

Mail-in ballots are automatically sent to every active, registered voters few weeks before an election. Ballots cannot be forwarded by the Post Office, so if a voter has moved and not updated their voter registration, they will not receive their mail-in ballot.  

Ballots for the presidential preference primary in February and the primary election in June are specific to one’s political party, so if a voter wants to vote in a particular partisan race, they must be registered to that party.  

“I have seen cases of voters changing their party affiliation for one election and forgetting that they want to change it back, and unfortunately they are left out of their desired primary because they didn’t check their registration,” Rodriguez said. 

Qualifications to register to vote in Nevada are: 

  • Be a United States citizen (NRS 293.485); 
  • Have attained the age of 18 by Election Day (NRS 293.485, NV Const. Art. 2 Sec. 1); 
  • Be 17 years of age in order to preregister (NRS 293.4855); 
  • Have continuously resided in Nevada and in Washoe County for 30 days, and in the precinct 10 days prior to the next election (NRS 293.485); 
  • Provide proof of identity and residency, such as a current and valid Nevada Driver’s license or Nevada Identification card or other official document (NAC 293.395); and 
  • Not be laboring under any loss of civil rights that would make it unlawful to vote (such as guardianship). 

There are three easy ways to register to vote: online, in person or by mail. If you are not sure if you’re registered or you need to update your registration, you can check your registration online with the Registrar of Voters or the Secretary of State 

Learn more at www.washoecounty.gov/voters