Washoe County Assessor Chris S. Sarman is mailing the annual Property Tax Exemption Renewal Notices to qualified veterans, disabled veterans, surviving spouses and blind persons. The Assessor’s Office reminds exemption holders that in order to apply the exemption toward real property taxes, the renewal must be filed with the Assessor’s office by June 15, 2025. You may also apply the exemption toward the Government Service Tax of your vehicle registration with the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles or toward your personal property taxes such as a mobile home or aircraft. The renewal form may be filed by mail, online, in-person or by email.
Online Exemption Renewals website: www.washoecounty.gov/assessor/exemptions
Assessor’s Office Email: exemptions@washoecounty.gov
Assessor’s Office Phone Number: 775-328-2277
If you have not signed up for an exemption, property tax exemptions are available to bona fide Nevada residents who meet the requirements set in Nevada Revised Statutes for a surviving spouse, blind person, veteran, disabled veteran or surviving spouse of a disabled veteran. Exemptions can be applied toward real property tax, personal property tax or toward the Government Service Tax of your vehicle registration at the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles. The deadline to apply in order to have your exemption applied to real property tax for the 2025/2026 fiscal year is June 15, 2025. To inquire if you meet the qualifications, please email the Assessor’s Office at exemptions@washoecounty.gov or call our office at (775) 328-2277. Applications for property tax exemption can be found on the Assessor’s website at https://www.washoecounty.gov/assessor/forms.
Should you have any questions, please contact the Assessor’s Office.