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Washoe County launches public feedback campaign on its Master Plan, Envision Washoe 2040

by | Nov 18, 2021

Washoe County is seeking public input as it updates its Master Plan, Envision Washoe 2040, a document that will guide growth and development for decades to come. 

The Master Plan is a community vision with goals, policies, and actions that guide the location of development. It contains maps that explain and define the overall development suitability of all land within Washoe County, and is intended to be a road map for the next 10 to 20 years.  

This affects every resident in the region, and Washoe County is asking residents to participate in surveys and provide feedback throughout the process, which will continue through summer of next year. 

“Envision Washoe 2040 is a long-term, community-driven process to carefully, thoughtfully, and methodically craft the best plan for Washoe County’s future,” Senior Planner Eric Young said. “It is a complex process, and one that impacts every aspect of life in Washoe County. Public feedback is not only welcomed, but also essential to the success of our community.”  

Residents can begin to engage with the update in December at “Information Hubs” placed in public meeting areas throughout the county. The full list of locations will be available on the Envision Washoe website. These hubs will feature large-scale informational panels that illustrate the guiding principles and high-level goals of the process. Residents can then take short surveys via QR codes or directly on the website.  

The Planning Commission will meet on December 7 and get its first full briefing on the project, and the public is invited to an Open House before the meeting where the Information Hubs can be previewed. Washoe County Planning staff will be on hand to answer questions.   

There are several factors that will influence the new Master Plan, including the 2019 Master Plan update by the Truckee Meadows Regional Planning Agency (TMRPA). Washoe County, Reno and Sparks are required to adopt Master Plans that conform to and implement the TRMPA plan. Washoe County has experienced significant growth since the current Master Plan was adopted circa 2005. Changing demographics such as a growth in younger age groups has increased demand for things like alternative transportation, increased outdoor recreating, and affordable housing. Planners must also address considerations such as climate change, advances in technology, water management, and public health. 

View the guiding principles, timeline, process, and how to get involved on the website: