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Washoe County Assessor Office to update properties impacted by Davis Fire

by | Sep 17, 2024

Washoe County Assessor Chris Sarman sympathizes with those negatively impacted by the recent Davis Fire and is committed to supporting taxpayers who endured damage and losses to their properties. As we assess the impact to those properties affected, the Assessor’s team is working diligently to ensure property records are accurate and that the valuations upon them are being reviewed. We understand this is a very difficult time for many, and they shouldn’t be paying taxes on assessed values that no longer exist.

Taxpayers can expect that our office will be performing a thorough review of all properties within and around the fire perimeter. To assist in this process, we ask that affected property owners please contact our office as soon as possible. Our goal is to provide all owners of affected properties with the support they need from our office as we remain dedicated to ensuring that assessed valuations are fair, equitable, and accurately supported. 

To aid in the recovery process, we wish to share with taxpayers that Governor Lombardo signed a Declaration of Emergency for this fire on September 8. Under NRS 361.084, and this scenario, an exemption for single family residences that were partially or completely destroyed, exists. Certain qualifying conditions must be met and an application to receive such an exemption must be filed and approved with our office.     

Should you have any questions, or wish for more information, please contact the Assessor’s Office.

Website Assessor’s Office: CHRIS S. SARMAN – ASSESSOR (

Email Assessor’s Office:

Phone Assessor’s Office: 775-328-2277