Post-Primary Election Update
For final, unofficial results of the Washoe County 2018 Primary Election, please click here:
Results remain unofficial until the verifciation of unofficial results goes before the Board of County Commissioners for Declaration of Canvas of the Vote on June 19, 2018. After this meeting, results are then declared “final & official”.
Update as of 3:15 p.m.
Reno, Nev. June 12, 2018. Washoe County Registrar of Voters, Deanna Spikula, reports 19,401 voters in Washoe County voted by 3:15 pm this afternoon.
All 79 polling locations are open and available for Washoe County registered voters to cast a ballot for the 2018 Primary Election.
Washoe County Registrar of Voters Office has received some reports from this morning that voters experienced a ballot display issue while voting.
Candidates ballot display issue
The Registrar of Voters has confirmed limited cases reported where a voter does not see a complete list of candidates on the ballot for a race. Once identified, poll workers rectified the issue and the voter was able to cast a complete ballot. This issue can be resolved at the polling location by alerting a poll worker.
Fled Voter
Another issue that has arisen is a “fled voter”. This happens when a voter does not complete or officially cast their ballot and remove their card and return the still-active card to the poll worker. The poll worker isn’t aware the voter did not complete the ballot and reassigns the card to someone else who then sees the unfinished ballot.
“With any new system, there will be unforeseen issues that will need to be addressed,” says Deanna Spikula, Registrar of Voters. “After the election we will be reviewing each instance and our vendor, Dominion voting, has let us know that these instances are trackable.”
Free Transit
In partnership with the Registrar of Voters, the RTC is offering free transit service to ensure everyone is able to reach a polling location. Please check route and schedule information at as not all polling locations are served by transit.
All unofficial election results will be released after they are approved by the Nevada Secretary of State for release.
Unofficial results and election updates are also available throughout Primary Election Day on the Washoe County website, and Twitter @washoecounty or #WashoeVotes. After the polls close you can follow the Washoe County YouTube channel for a live feed of the evening.
Update as of 10:40 a.m.
Reno, Nev. June 12, 2018. Washoe County Registrar of Voters, Deanna Spikula, reports 8,148 voters in Washoe County voted by 10:40 a.m. this morning.
All 79 polling locations are open and available for Washoe County registered voters to cast a ballot for the 2018 Primary Election.
What you need to cast a vote:
Must be registered to vote in Washoe County.
Cast your ballot at any polling location to vote. To see your polling location, look on the back of your sample ballot, or visit, or call the Washoe311.
ID is not required to vote, but bringing identification is recommended in the rare case that it is needed.
Bring your sample ballot. It’s not required, but can help speed up the process.
Free Transit
In partnership with the Registrar of Voters, the RTC is offering free transit service to ensure everyone is able to reach a polling location. Please check route and schedule information at as not all polling locations are served by transit.
All unofficial election results will be released after they are approved by the Nevada Secretary of State for release.
Unofficial results and election updates are also available throughout Primary Election Day on the Washoe County website, and Twitter @washoecounty or #WashoeVotes. After the polls close you can follow the Washoe County YouTube channel for a live feed of the evening.
Reno, Nev. June 12, 2018. Washoe County Registrar of Voters, Deanna Spikula, reports all 79 Washoe County polling places opened on time at 7 a.m. this morning without any problems.
“Based on early voting numbers, we anticipate a high voting turnout today. With faster processing due to our new equipment, we expect a smoother process for voters” said Spikula.
Registered Washoe County voters who wish to cast a ballot in the 2018 Primary Election have until 7 p.m. PST this evening.
Free Transit
In partnership with the Registrar of Voters, the RTC is offering free transit service to ensure everyone is able to reach a polling location. Please check route and schedule information at as not all polling locations are served by transit.
Election updates are also available on the Washoe County website, and Twitter @washoecounty or #WashoeVotes. After the polls close you can follow the Washoe County YouTube channel for a live feed of the evening.
What to Expect on Election Day:
For question about 2018 Primary Election Day, please contact Washoe County Registrar of Voters Office at (775) 328-3670 or Washoe311 by dialing 3-1-1 from any phone.
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