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Top headlines from the Board of County Commissioners meeting

by | Sep 17, 2024

The following are highlights from today’s Washoe County Board of County Commissioners meeting:  

1. Board approves amendments to short-term rental fees: The Board voted to approve a reduction to the initial permitting and renewal fees for short-term rentals (STRs) in which the owner lives as the primary residence. The amendment also increases fines for unpermitted STRs, from a flat $1,158.40 to a tiered fine structure of $1,500-$5,000.

The tiered approach functions to help reduce the number of repeat violations. The fine amounts are based, in part, on what other jurisdictions have levied in the past, as well as applicable legal cases. Amendments take effect Dec. 1, 2024.  

2. Board amends county code to refine short-term rental regulations: The Board voted to modify Washoe County Code to clarify and refine certain areas that pertain to short-term rentals (STRs). The amendments include:

  • clarify maximum occupancy limitations associated with an STR permit; 
  • limit STRs to one per parcel in the Tahoe Planning Area;  
  • prohibit new STRs in accessory dwellings in the Tahoe Planning Area;  
  • clarify when an STR permit must be relinquished;  
  • remove requirement for an outdoor fireplace permit from the Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District;  
  • allow for an updated STR permit renewal date via payment of a pro-rated renewal fee;  
  • remove the requirement for a signed notary for STR renewal applications;  
  • clarify that a new STR permit is required with each change of parcel ownership; grant a 30 day automatic grace period for renewals with a possible additional 30 day discretionary grace period that may be granted by the Director of Planning and Building;  
  • clarify violation and revocation regulations; 
  • reduce the appeal period for STR stop activity orders from 30 days to 14 days;

3. Board approves allocation of ARPA funds for new projects and reconsiders previously approved projects: The Board unanimously approved funding to six new projects from Washoe County’s portion of the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds. The projects include:

  • $150,000 to Nation’s Finest – Veterans Services to support the enhancement of the Health Care for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) residential program by integrating Veteran Service Officer (VSO) positions; provide essential services to homeless veterans, focusing on securing veterans’ benefits and addressing substance use and behavioral health issues;  
  • $60,000 to Sun Valley General Improvement District to support projects that consist of sealing and striping of the parking lot, walking paths, and basketball court at Highland Ranch Park. This will also support purchase and installation of security cameras at Gepford Park, and picnic benches; 
  • $200,000 to Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe – Gerlach Fire Services to support cost coverage of the hourly cost of firefighting employees of the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe through provision of two firefighters (EMT-A or Paramedic) 24 hours per day, 365 days per year located in Gerlach to perform initial fire and emergency medical services; 
  • $80,000 to the Public Defenders Paralegal Program to support Washoe County Public Defender and the Alternate Public Defender’s offices to hire temporary paralegals; 
  • $1 million to Rancho San Rafael Community Events Space Phase I, engineering, design, and site prep only for an open-air multi-purpose stage and community events space for performances, and educational programs;  
  • Increase an existing award by $15,000 to bring it to $165,000 for the Washoe County Recruitment & Retention Incentive Program, which is used to assist with the recruitment and retention of employees in difficult-to-fill positions in the County that are impacted by a shortage of qualified labor in the region. This additional funding is to cover the additional employee incentives that were not initially included in this program. 

The Board also reconsidered the allocation of just over $3.1 million to 12 projects that were previously approved at the Aug. 20, 2024, Board of County Commissioners meeting. Commissioner Mike Clark requested the reconsideration due to unease with the Seven Magic Mountains project. The Board vote to reapprove all the projects:  

  • $790,000 to Tenancy Support Program providing case management for tenancy support and a shallow rental assistance subsidy to move people into independent housing and keep them stably housed; 
  • $89,900 for the Sheriff Office Staffing Study to determine the recommended commissioned and civilian staffing levels needed to create a safe facility for both the staff manning the proposed new 240 bed medical facility and the inmate population; 
  • $200,000 to the Community Art and Washoe Artrail in support of a Washoe ArTrail digital application to include an interactive augmented experience and the Gerlach trailhead art. The funds will be used to commission and install art pieces in the Washoe County region including but not limited to, the Washoe Artrail, murals, and arts at Washoe County parks; 
  • $500,000 to support the relocation of the Seven Magic Mountains, large-scale site-specific public art installation from its current location south of the Las Vegas Strip along Interstate 15, to a location in Washoe County by the end of 2026; 
  • $238,000 to Communities in Schools in support of the expansion of the CIS program into four middle schools. CIS operates in 13 schools across Washoe County to provide an evidence-based, success-proven methodology for providing students with the service and resources they need to remove both academic and nonacademic barriers to their success;  
  • $305,000 to Notables Accessibility, which bridges the gaps between disability services, education, mental health, and the arts by providing innovative music therapy and inclusive music opportunities to the community. Award will improve accessibility by supporting window coverings, solar panels, ADA compliant doors and furniture to enhance therapeutic experience for all participants in their facility; 
  • $250,000 to support Courage Worldwide bringing a Courage House to Northern Nevada supporting victims of sex trafficking and offering the most vulnerable children a refuge with trauma and survivor informed residential therapy, award will support purchase of a property in Washoe County where services will be provided; 
  • $200,000 to Truckee River Rangers to expand the consistency of patrols, programming, and citizen engagement along the Truckee River Corridor; 
  • $100,000 to Northern Nevada Literacy Council to support the continuation of the work of providing literacy programs and career pathways for 40 adult learners ages 16-24 leading to career pathways with sustainable living wages; 
  • $75,000 to Rebuilding Together Northen Nevada to support 20 households to be pre-qualified with home repairs and a site feasibility project in Gerlach; 
  • $50,000 to Family Respite Care of Nevada to children residing in Washoe County who are in foster or post-adoption care; 
  • $400,000 to the Tahoe Area Regional Transportation in support of another year of improving alternative transportation options compared to personal vehicles and reducing congestion and improve traffic flow by reducing vehicles on the road. 

4. Board approves grant funding for transportation assistance in Incline Village and Gerlach: The Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) provides grant funding to support transportation services for seniors and persons with disabilities in the remote areas of Washoe County, specifically Incline Village and Gerlach. The $29,000 grant is funded by RTC’s fuel tax and RTC sales tax.

The funding for the Washoe County Senior Services Incline Village Senior Transportation Program will be passed through to the Incline Village General Improvement District (IVGID) who utilizes their staff and vehicles to provide transportation to seniors in need. 

The funding for the Washoe County Senior Services Gerlach Senior Transportation Program is used to contract with a driver who utilizes a county vehicle.

5. Board proclaims September 17 as Constitution Day: The U.S. Constitution was adopted on Sept. 17, 1887, and is commemorated as Constitution Day each year. Commissioner Clara Andriola read the proclamation, which was unanimously approved by the Board.

6. Emergency Management presents recognition to Library System for outstanding support during disasters: Washoe County Emergency Manager Kelly Echeverria presented a special recognition to Library Director Jeff Scott and members of his team for their outstanding support of evacuation centers and incident command centers during disasters.