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Tips for winter weather in Washoe County

by | Jan 10, 2024

Washoe County Roads crews are talented, but the best service is done in partnership with the community. While the crew is focused on public roads and access, residents also play a key role in keeping our community safe. How fast and efficient we complete snow control measures is largely dependent on support within our community. If each of us did the following, countless hours would be saved removing snow and ice from our roadways.

Prepare for winter travel

  • Reduce your speed when traveling during winter months and storms.
  • Check tires and replace with winter tires as necessary.
  • Travel with road safety gear, water, and food.
  • Make alternative arrangements for work and school during storms. Delays are often caused by redirecting limited roads and public safety personnel to winter accidents. Your efforts to stay safe directly support keeping our community moving during the winter months by keeping personnel focused on the road.

Remove Roadway Obstacles

  • Limit time garbage cans sit in the street or right-of-way. Put garbage cans out as close to pick up time as possible. Remove cans as soon as possible.
  • Don’t park vehicles on the street when a storm is forecasted.
  • Stay away from plows and snow removal equipment.
  • Observe winter parking restrictions in Incline Village/Crystal Bay. Call 775-833-5555 to learn if parking is red (no) or green (go). It is our goal to not plow through obstacles. Items such as trash cans, trailers or vehicles parked on the street or too close will reduce our ability to clear not only your property, but an entire road. Support your neighbors and community.

Give some grace, take some grace

  • Berms Happen. Our team does everything possible to avoid berms across driveways and onto sidewalks. Unfortunately, our equipment is sized to clear over 700 miles of road averaging 20 feet wide or greater. Drivers are responsible for safe travel lanes and piles of snow can accumulate in that process.

Please, please stay safe

  • Don’t let kids play in snowbanks along the road–our teams honestly can’t see them. We are 100% committed to the safety of our community. One of the biggest fears of a driver is to have a 12-ton machine come into contact with one of our community members. Please do not allow children, dogs, or adults play near roadways. Snow removal is completed in order of priority.
  • Stay on primary, maintained roads, and don’t look for shortcuts in winter weather. Your GPS might lead to a road that is not maintained and you might get stuck in snow or mud. 

Visit us online for the street priorities and plow status. For more information visit (select “roads”). Call us at 775328-2180 to submit a road work request.