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Senior Services Citizen Advisory Board is recruiting board members

by | Nov 12, 2015

Good afternoon from Washoe County,
We want to let you know we currently have openings on the Senior Services Citizen Advisory Board for Washoe County residents, preferably 60+, who are willing to provide input and have two to four hours per month to volunteer.  We are recruiting for one representative from District 2, two representatives from District 3, one representative from District 5 and one alternate from any District. Remember, members must live in the District they represent. Find your district here.  
The Board is constituted to support the implementation of the policies of the Board of Washoe County Commissioners as they apply to the functioning, management, and operation of the Washoe County Senior Services Department.  Those serving on the board will recommend programs for seniors, make specific recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners on the operations of the department and work to improve senior centers.
The Board shall consist of no less than seven and nor more than 11 members and up to two alternates. Board members must be residents of Washoe County and appointed by the Board of County Commissioners.  The three government entities of Reno, Sparks, and Washoe County, shall each be invited to appoint a representative and a delegated alternate. The director of the department shall serve, ex officio, as a member of the Board.
Board members serve a four year term; meetings are held monthly and run 1-2 hours;  members usually spend 2-6 hours per month outside of meetings on board-assigned business.
The Advisory Board shall provide assistance and make recommendations to the director, at a minimum, in the following areas:
1. Development of long and short-range departmental goals;
2. Recommending and evaluating programs and policies;
3. Reviewing the quality of departmental services provided;
4. Providing input to county manager regarding performance of director.
5. Providing technical assistance, as applicable;
6. Reviewing and making recommendations regarding the department’s proposed budget;
7. Reviewing and providing input to the director regarding community trends and needs.
Washoe County Code 45.425
Individuals interested in applying for a position on the Senior Services Advisory Board should visit the boards and commission openings page on our website.
The deadline to apply is 5 p.m. Friday, November 20, 2015.