Reno, Nevada. June 24, 2015. In an effort to continue providing quality service and keep up with a local increase in the need for senior meal services, Washoe County and Catholic Charities of Northern Nevada are teaming up to offer the senior nutrition program, including the congregate meal and home-delivered Meals on Wheels programs.
The Washoe County Board of County Commissioners approved the new partnership at the June 23 meeting. By combining efforts, Washoe County and Catholic Charities of Northern Nevada hope to reduce meal production costs and provide more meals to homebound residents and senior citizens. Currently, Washoe County serves more than 335,000 meals per year to seniors through the home-delivered Meals on Wheels program. Partnering with Catholic Charities will allow the two groups to serve an additional 70,000 meals.
“We are so excited about this collaboration and the opportunity to better serve our local seniors. This program is a perfect fit for our agency because we are already feeding thousands of people in our community and seniors make up a large portion of our clientele. Our plan is to not only increase meals, but also to eventually be able to increase activities at the local senior centers and even begin offering low income housing options for seniors,” says Peter Vogel, CEO of Catholic Charities of Northern Nevada.
The meal programs are available to seniors who meet the eligibility requirements. The partnership program will start July 1, 2015.
“At the heart of our decision to partner with Catholic Charities of Northern Nevada is our seniors and how Washoe County can continue meeting the needs of a growing senior population as well as maintain a high level of service our valued seniors have grown accustom to receiving,” said Assistant County Manager Kevin Schiller. “This move will expand important services, allowing us to serve more seniors the nutritious meals they need to help them live a happy and healthy life.”
The transition of the senior nutrition program includes the following services:
Congregate Meal Program: The program provides one meal per day to seniors 60+ and qualified individuals (spouse of a senior, disabled living at a nutrition site, or disabled dependent on a senior). A hot meal or fresh salad is provided Monday through Friday at ten senior meal locations. Monthly menus are available online (May, June) or at each meal site location. With the exception of the Washoe County Senior Center, reservations must be made by 9 a.m. on the desired day.
Home Delivered Meals: Provides delivery of meals to homebound seniors 60+ who are unable to participate in the Washoe County Senior Services Congregate Meal program due to an illness or a disability. Meals provided are in accordance with established dietary guidelines and food safety standards. The suggested voluntary contribution is $2 per meal. Self-addressed stamped envelopes are provided by the meal delivery drivers for contributions to be mailed to Washoe County Senior Services.
For more information, view the list of frequently asked questions.
Nancy Leuenhagen, Washoe County Communications & Engagement Manager, at 775.328.2069
Auburn Harrison, Director of Marketing & Public Relations for Catholic Charities of Northern Nevada, at 775.322.7073 ext. 235