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KOLO TV “Fan Club” helping local seniors beat the heat

by | Jun 24, 2015

Reno, Nevada. June 24, 2015.  As temperatures soar, seniors become more susceptible to heat-related illness. To help Washoe County seniors stay cool this summer, KOLO TV and Washoe County Senior Services are teaming up for the 2015 Fan Drive for Seniors. The community is encouraged to donate new fans to assist seniors who need help cooling their homes this summer.
Seniors, ages 60 and older, who do not have air conditioning or are in need of a fan to help cool their home are encouraged to contact Washoe County Senior Services at 775.328.2575 or stop by the Senior Center at 1155 E. 9th Street, Building E, to learn more about how they can participate in the 2015 Fan Drive for Seniors. Staff is available to answer questions and assist seniors.
What: KOLO Summer Fan Drive for Seniors
Where: Washoe County Senior Services at 1155 E. Ninth Street, Building E, Reno.
When: Now through August 31. Drop-off or pick-up 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. Monday through Friday (except for Friday, July 3, when County Offices are closed for the Independence Day holiday)
Details: Only donations of new fans in the box will be accepted. To qualify for a fan, recipients must be 60 years of age or older. Seniors without air conditioning and those who have not previously participated in the program are a priority. 
Contact: 775.328.2575
The mission of Washoe County Senior Services is to offer opportunities for the community’s older adults to maintain dignity, to maintain independence, and to enhance the quality of their lives through the provision of direct services in a quality, cost-effective manner. Services include home-delivered meals, nine congregate meal sites, recreational and social activities, Daybreak Adult Day Services, social services and legal assistance. For more information, call 775.328.2575 or visit     