Reno, Nevada. August 20, 2018. Washoe County Community Services Department, is accepting applications for Washoe County residents to serve on the Washoe County Open Space and Regional Park Commission.
Washoe County residents with an interest in the future of the County’s open spaces, parks, natural resources, and recreational opportunities are encouraged to become a member of the Open Space and Regional Park Commission.
The Commission acts in an advisory capacity to the Board of County Commissioners. Examples of items that come before the Commission include district and park master plans; schedule of priorities for acquisition and development of park property; and rates and fees for services and facility use.
Open Space and Regional Park Commissioners are appointed by the Board of County Commissioners to serve a 4-year term. If an applicant is appointed to fill an unexpired term, their term may be less than four years. The Park Commission meets monthly, usually at 2:30 p.m. on the first Tuesday. Members receive no compensation.
REQUIREMENTS: Applicants for the Open Space and Regional Park Commission must be residents of Washoe County.
For information and an application, please contact Washoe County Regional Parks and Open Space at 954-4665. You can also access an application on the front page of Regional Parks and Open Space’s website at . Mail your applications directly to Washoe County Community Services Department, Regional Parks and Open Space, Attention: Jennifer Purgitt, PO Box 11130, Reno, NV 89520-0027; FAX the completed application to (775) 328-3699, Attention: Jennifer Purgitt; or e-mail it to
Deadline for applications is Friday, September 7, 2018. Applications must be received by the department by this date.