Reno, Nevada. Dec. 10, 2016. The Washoe County Community Services Department (CSD) Roads Division has setup three sandbag locations Saturday morning for citizens experiencing flooding around their homes or businesses. Sandbags are available at the following locations:
Cabela’s roundabout in Boomtown, NV.
Dorostkar Park at Mayberry Dr. Reno, NV.
Reno High School at 395 Booth St. Reno, NV.
Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District Station 30 at 3905 Old Hwy. 395
3101 Longley Ln. in Reno
Due to intense rainfall throughout Friday evening and Saturday morning, Steamboat Ditch breached causing minor flooding on roads in Mogul and a few private properties in Caughlin Ranch and Belli Ranch. Minor flooding has also occurred on roads in Mogul. The Washoe County Roads Division has crews in Mogul and Verdi working on areas that have flooded. The Roads Division asks that people living in those areas use extra caution while traveling.
The Roads Division also asks that all citizens stay away from standing or moving water and do not try to pass over roads where you cannot see the pavement. Report any flooding within the City of Reno by calling 775-785-9276 and call 775-334-2121 to report flooding within unincorporated Washoe County.
“We are expecting the Truckee River and the small creeks to continue to rise and increase in flow throughout the day,” CSD Operations Director Eric Crump said. “Please use extra caution while traveling today and report any flooding or damage to the roads crews immediately. Rest assured, Washoe County is responding to any flooding that has already occurred and working hard to prevent any further damage.”
The latest information will be posted on the Washoe County Twitter page @washoecounty.
For media inquiries, contact CSD Operations Director Eric Crump at 775-386-3129.
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