Highlights from Washoe County Board of Commissioners meeting

by | Mar 25, 2015

Reno, Nevada. March 24, 2015. The following report highlights several important agenda items from the Washoe County Board of Commissioners meeting Tuesday, March 24, 2015. Videos of County Commission meetings are replayed regularly on WCTV (Charter Ch. 193). You may also watch videos-on-demand online.
Legislative Update: Item 21. The Board voted to support Senate Bill (SB) 411, sponsored by Senator Debbie Smith. The bill creates a Public Schools Overcrowding and Repair Needs Committee tasked with developing recommendations for funding options for school capital improvement needs.  Recommendations from the committee would be placed on the November 2016 General Election ballot.
Sitting as both the Fire Commissioners and the County Commission, the Board voted to support Senate Bill 185, sponsored by Senator Ben Kieckhefer regarding automatic aid in Washoe County.  In addition, both boards voted to support Assembly Bill 333 sponsored by Assemblyman Randy Kirner which allows consolidation of Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District and Sierra Fire Protection District.  Consolidation of the districts was one of several recommendations made in the Blue Ribbon Committee’s report on regional fire service.
Blue Ribbon Committee Report on Regional Fire Service: Item 8. The Chair of the Blue Ribbon Committee (BRC) Sarah Chvilicek gave a presentation that among other items recommended automatic aid agreements for continuing efforts to regionalize fire protection.
The Committee was appointed by the Board of County Commissioners to review and analyze regional fire service and prepare a comprehensive report for the Board of County Commissioners and other cooperating agencies.
Committee Chair Chvilicek said regionalization of fire services will take time. However, the BRC recommended at a minimum that automatic aid agreements be initiated immediately. She said automatic aid was seen and is still seen as a good first step.
“The citizens don’t care who governs the fire district; they want someone to come to the front door,” said Chvilicek.
American Red Cross Home Fire Preparedness Campaign: Item 4. In February, the Northern Nevada Chapter of the American Red Cross distributed and installed 120 smoke alarms in several Sun Valley homes.  
“I want to thank the Red Cross for their partnership in helping educate citizens about the importance of smoke alarms,” said TMFPD Chief Charlie Moore. “Organizations like the Red Cross help our efforts immensely.”
The Red Cross’ Home Fire Preparedness Campaign intends to reduce home fire related injuries and deaths by 25 percent in the next five years.
TMFPD 2015 Kids Fire Camp Leadership Committee: Item 5. The 2nd annual Kids Fire Camp is June 23-25. Participants will enjoy three fun-filled days with TMFPD firefighters.
The camp is open to boys and girls between the ages of 11-14 who are interested in the fire service. Camp attendees will learn CPR, water safety, back country survival, firefighting and rescue techniques. All of this will take place in a safe and friendly fast-paced environment and be taught by active duty fire personnel from TMFPD. The Kids’ Fire Camp will be held at Camp WeChMe at Galena Creek Park.
Click here to watch a video about last year’s Kids Fire Camp.
Executive Director of the Tahoe Prosperity Center, Heidi Hill Drum, presenting about the vision and goals for improving the regional economy: Item 9. In 2010, the Lake Tahoe Basin Prosperity Plan was completed. Hill Drum said it was an unprecedented collaborative effort funded by the six government jurisdictions at Lake Tahoe, including Washoe County and the federal government, to develop the first-ever economic strategy for the Basin. The Tahoe Prosperity Center (TPC) was founded to implement that economic strategy. TPC is representative of each government entity at the lake as well as business, science, nonprofit, education and the community. Its mission is “uniting Tahoe’s communities to strengthen regional prosperity.”
Hill Drum said TPC is working to increase high speed Internet and cellphone coverage in Lake Tahoe, revitalize the community with improved amenities and redevelopment. These projects directly relate back to the initiatives in the Prosperity Plan.
“Most importantly, they put Lake Tahoe on a path toward economic recovery,” said Hill Drum. “Just like the Nevada Economic Development Conference theme “Stronger Economies Together,” we all succeed when we work together.”
Funding  for a Deputy District Attorney to continue services related to the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas Task Force: Item 6.C.1. Federal funding through the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) program makes it possible for the Washoe County District Attorney’s Office to have one Deputy District Attorney assigned exclusively to major drug crimes. This designation permits the prosecutor to work closely with state and federal law enforcement agencies targeting high-level drug trafficking organizations operating in Washoe County with long-term investigations aimed at disrupting the flow of illegal drugs into and through Washoe County and disrupting the operation of the drug trafficking organizations at the highest level possible. By having a single prosecutor assigned to these duties, the District Attorney’s Office is able to coordinate investigative efforts between multiple agencies within Washoe County and other jurisdictions to combat these groups, identifying the source of the drugs coming into Washoe County and prosecuting those responsible.
Approve FY15 CDC Tobacco Prevention and Control Federal Grant Program: Item 6.D.2. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the State of Nevada fund best practice strategies at the Health District in the amount of approximately $113,000 annually to reduce tobacco use and exposure, a primary risk factor for chronic disease. The program has received approval from the State of Nevada to redirect funds of $15,352 to support a secondhand smoke media campaign. 
April 2015 is National County Government Month: Item 5.A. Commissioners proclaimed April 2015 is National County Government Month. The nation’s 3,069 counties serve more than 300 million Americans, helping provide essential services to create healthy, safe, vibrant and economically resilient communities.
Through National Association of Counties “Transportation and Infrastructure Initiative,” NACo is encouraging counties to focus on how they have improved their communities.
Like so many great counties in the country, Washoe County has dedicated staff that take pride in maintaining the infrastructure that our citizens rely on every day.
Washoe County Manager John Slaughter will be delivering the State of the County presentation on April 14, at 10 a.m. in the Washoe County Commission Chambers. 
March 31, 2015 is Cesar Chavez Day: Item 5.B. Cesar Chavez founded the National Farm Workers Association which later became the United Farm Workers. Chavez used non-violent tactics to support the end of suffering for farmworkers and their families. County Commissioner Kitty Jung requested the proclamation and Ramon Chavez, nephew of Cesar Chavez and Andrew Barbano of www.CesarChavezNevada.com attended.
April 12-18, 2015 is National Library Week: Item 5.C. The Washoe County Library System has been serving Nevada communities for the past 111 years, connecting people with information, ideas and experiences to support an enriched and engaged community.  The Washoe County Law Library has been serving the community for the past 100 years and will be commemorating the anniversary in May. 
The Board asked all residents of the Truckee Meadows take advantage of the resources the Washoe County Libraries have to offer.
April 2015 is National Sexual Assault Awareness Month: Item 5.D. Sexual violence happens to people of all ages, races, genders, sexual orientations, religions, abilities, professions, incomes, and ethnicities. It happens every day in our communities, schools, and workplaces.
Nearly one in five women and one in seventy-one men will be a victim of sexual assault.
During National Sexual Assault Awareness Month, the Board asks the public to recommit to not only lifting the veil of secrecy and shame surrounding sexual violence, but also to raising awareness, expanding support for victims, and strengthening our response.
April 2015 is Fair Housing Month: Item 5.E. April 2015 marks the 47th anniversary of Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, the Federal Fair Housing Act. The Act provides equal opportunity for all Americans in the sale, rental and financing for housing. The Act focuses on prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin.
Nevada state law also prohibits discrimination of any kind. The Silver State Housing Council actively works to ensure equal housing opportunity for all people in Nevada to freely choose where they want and can afford to live. Washoe County supports the efforts of the Silver State Fair Housing Council and all other agencies pursuing fair housing.