Top headlines from the Board of County Commissioners meeting

Top headlines from the Board of County Commissioners meeting

The financial outlook for FY26 shows inflation exceeding GDP growth in the coming fiscal year. In Washoe County, local sales tax revenue is expected to remain flat, and the five-year forecast shows a 5 percent General Fund deficit each year through FY30. To mitigate the potential downturn, Washoe County departments have been instructed to submit net-zero budgets, and additional personnel requests will not be entertained.

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Top headlines from the Board of County Commissioners meeting  

The Board voted 4-1 to approve County Manager Eric Brown’s renegotiated contract following a glowing annual review. The approved terms include a 10 percent lump-sum bonus, an additional year added to his contract (now extended to November 21, 2025), and an increase in severance pay from six months to one year. The Board also appointed Ryan Gustafson to serve as director of the Human Services Agency.

Top headlines from the Board of County Commissioners meeting  

The Board of County Commissioners accepted a $3 million grant from the William N. Pennington Foundation for the new Resource Center at the Nevada Cares Campus. “It shows the work the county is doing is making a difference and private foundations are taking notice, so thank you so much for their incredible support," Chair Alexis Hill said. "We couldn’t do it without these public-private partnerships."

Top headlines from the Board of County Commissioners meeting  

After adopting the new Envision Washoe 2040 Master Plan, the Board of County Commissioners conducted a first reading on various code amendments to update language from the previous plan to the newly approved plan. The Board also voted to provide direction to staff on prioritization of actions to implement the Master Plan and to spur the creation of affordable housing.