Reno, Nevada. Aug. 24, 2017. The Washoe County Human Services Agency, Washoe County’s Sheriff’s Office, Department of Alternative Sentencing , and Reno Justice Court held a tour and ribbon-cutting ceremony Tuesday to celebrate the success of the Sober 24 program.
Sober 24 is a 24 hour, seven day a week monitoring program, aimed at combating alcohol and drug abuse in our community. Clients are court-ordered to the Sober 24 program, where their blood, breath, urine and other bodily substances are tested to determine if drugs and alcohol are present in the body. Sober 24 is used in pre-trial and post-conviction cases.
“I want to thank several of our departments and partnering agencies for making the Sober 24 program a sweeping success,” Washoe County Commission Chairman Bob Lucey said. “Sober 24 does a fantastic job of holding those who battle drug and alcohol abuse accountable, while also ensuring they remain productive citizens.”
Since January 2017, approximately 34,000 drug and alcohol tests have been conducted, producing a compliance rate of 98 percent.
Sober 24 tests for the following substances and more:
Numbers to Know
30 graduates
400+ clients
98 percent drug/alcohol test compliance rate
$14, 150 in testing fees collected per month on avg.
$11,000 in court reimbursements collected per month on avg.
All the money collected from drug/alcohol testing fees and court reimbursements are put back into the Sober 24 program.
To learn more about Sober 24, check out the new webpage.
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