This quarter we are sharing a few exciting updates, some great information, tail wagging statistics, and some great stories!
Microchipping Your Cat: Why It’s Important:
Let’s talk about cat safety! Did you know that in Washoe County only 7% of lost cats are ever returned to their owners? Microchipping is a simple AND FREE way to ensure your cat can be identified and reunited with you if they get lost. No appointment necessary, just bring your cat to our shelter during business hours! Identification tags are equally important. If your pet is lost, and someone finds your pet with a tag on the collar, they can call you right away. We offer FREE microchipping services, as well as FREE identification tags right here at WCRAS! More info by clicking the link to the right: Microchipping your pet.
Does your cat already have a microchip? Update your pets microchip with Animal Services by clicking the link below: Update your contact information

Pilot Project Update
Animal Services medical team completed 70 trap-neuter-release (TNR) cat surgeries over 3 days during the month of December. Out of the 70 surgeries, 49 of them were female cats. If each one of these cats had at least one litter of 6 kittens next year, we have prevented at least 294 new homeless kittens!!
A special thank you goes to our wonderful partners at Community Cats. Their collaboration with us has been invaluable, and together, we’ve been able to make an even greater impact. We look forward to sharing more spay/neuter program updates with you next quarter. For more information on feral cat programs please visit our website link to the right: Community Cats
Disaster Preparedness training
Recently, Field Supervisor Gallop presented to the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) on disaster preparedness and response training. These classes are designed for the general citizen, providing a broad base of training in disaster preparedness, light search and rescue, disaster medical, fire safety and many other aspects of preparation and response. Field Supervisor Gallop’s presentation focused on disaster preparedness for owned animals where she highlighted key strategies for ensuring the safety of pets and livestock during emergencies. Topics included animal evacuation plans, prepping emergency kits, sheltering animals, and animal identification. The goal of Field Supervisor Gallop’s session was to equip CERT members with the knowledge to help animals in distress during a disaster, ensuring their safety and minimizing panic during such emergency events. Great information Field Supervisor Gallop!


Kudos Officer Brooks
Animal Services Officer Brooks rescued this sweet dog named Pinta after responding to a call about an animal in distress that had become trapped in a culvert. Demonstrating patience and care, he assessed the situation, ensuring the dog’s safety while working to free her. After some effort, Officer Brooks successfully extracted Pinta, who was understandably scared but unharmed. She was then provided with medical attention and a safe space, where she could recover. Officer Brooks’ quick thinking and compassion ultimately saved Pinta. Unfortunately, her microchip did not have current owner information. Our partners at Nevada Humane Society transferred Pinta into their care to help her find a happy home!
WCRAS Officers perform a water rescue of a frightened horse. Kudos to teamwork
In December our dispatch team received a call about a domestic horse that was stuck, neck-deep in Washoe Lake with a halter and lead rope attached. Our dedicated Animal Services Officers responded promptly to the call, coordinating with the Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District for the water rescue. Thanks to their quick action and teamwork, the horse was successfully rescued and transported to Comstock Equine Hospital to be checked out. We are happy to report the horse and owner have been reunited! We appreciate the tireless efforts of all involved in ensuring the horse’s safety and well-being.


Happy Tail
Recently a dog named Diva escaped from her caretaker while her owner was at work. A week later, Diva was found by a neighbor in their home after she squeezed her way through their small dog door to seek shelter during the storms. The neighbor reported to our dispatch team that they heard a noise in their home and found her hiding under their desk. The neighbor contacted Animal Services, and Animal Services Officer Ueda was able to call the owner and inform her that Diva had been located and was safe! Animal Services Officer Ueda was thankful that “Diva” had up-to-date microchip information and could be quickly re-united with her owner.

Pet Resources

Vaccination clinics
Having updated vaccinations is important for all pets in our community; Animal Services offers a vaccination clinic at our office on the first Wednesday of every month from 3:00pm – 7:00pm. Appointments take about 15 minutes and most vaccines are only $15.00 each! Click here to make an appointment!
Free Microchipping
Microchips are a permanent form of identification for your pet to help them get home! Bring your pet to Animal Services anytime Monday-Friday, 8:00am – 5:00pm or Saturday 9:00am – 3:00pm and our staff will microchip your pet and register your microchip for free!
Free pet food for local seniors
On the third Tuesday of the month, Animal Services, in partnership with SPCA of Northern Nevada, will be at Washoe County Senior Services to provide free pet food to local seniors with pets. Every month we provide about 1,500 pounds of pet food to local seniors with pets!

Public Microchip Scanning Stations
Want to help keep a lost pet out of the shelter? With 12 public stations setup across Washoe County, you can now scan any found pet for a microchip and contact the microchip company to help you reunite the pet! You help a pet and save valuable space at the shelter for pets that truly need to be here. Talk about a win-win! For more info check out our lost and found page.
Dog Licensing
A license to help them get home, and to follow the law? Now that’s a two-fur deal! Whether you are purchasing your first annual dog license or have been licensing your dog with us for years, there’s no time like the present to get your pup licensed!
Get your license now at Washoe.docupet.com
Update your contact info
Does Animal Services know who to contact if we find your pet? Having updated contact information is vital to helping us reunite pets with their families. If your information has changed please help us update our files by completing this simple online form. You can also email us at Pets@washoecounty.gov or stop by our office.