It has been a hot and busy summer and we are looking forward to fall! This quarter we have a newsletter jam packed with great information, events, and updates!

We are back! After an extended review process we were able to work with Facebook to get our page back up! We apologize for the disruption in our Facebook communications and look forward to sharing updates, posts about the pets at our facility, and general pet information! Check out our page here: https://www.facebook.com/WashoeAnimals
Capacity at the shelter has been steadily improving, but we are not out of the woods yet. On many days the shelter is at high capacity for cats, dogs or both! When we reach our high capacity marker, our staff implement capacity protocols to help ensure we can house all the animals that come into the shelter every day. Learn more about our high capacity protocols, what we are doing to help ensure we have space for animals that come to our facility, and how you can help. https://www.washoecounty.gov/animal/information/Capacity%20Protocols.php

Check out some of the handy services and resources we provide to help make life with a pet a breeze!

Vaccination clinics
Having updated vaccinations is important for all pets in our community; Animal Services offers a vaccination clinic on the first Wednesday of every month from 3:00pm – 7:00 pm. Appointments generally take about 15 minutes and most vaccines are only $10 each! Click here to make an appointment!
Free Microchipping
That’s right FREE microchips for pets! Bring your pet to Animal Services anytime Monday-Friday 8-5 or Saturday 9am – 3pm and our staff will microchip your pet and register your microchip for free!
Free pet food for local seniors
On the third Tuesday of the month, Animal Services, in partnership with SPCA of Northern Nevada, will be at Washoe County Senior Services to provide free pet food to local seniors with pets!

Public Microchip Scanning Stations
Want to help keep a lost pet out of the shelter? With nine public stations setup across Washoe County you can now scan any found pet for a microchip and contact the microchip company to help you reunite the pet! You help a pet and save valuable space at the shelter for pets that truly need to be here. Talk about a win-win! For more info check out HelpingPetsHome.com
Dog Licensing
A license to help them get home, and to follow the law? Now that’s a two-fur deal! Whether you are new to licensing your dog or have been licensing your dog with us for years there’s no time like the present to get your pup licensed!
Get your license now at Washoe.docupet.com
Update your contact info
Does Animal Services know who to contact if we find your pet? Having updated contact information is vital to our work to reunite pets with their families. If your information has changed please help us update our files by completing this simple online form. You can also email us at Pets@washoecounty.gov or stop by our office to update your information.
Kudos Corner
Earlier this month we were honored to receive a much needed donation collection bin from girl scout troop 376. Not only did they build the donation bin, they also collected donations of pet food that will be distributed to pets in need within our community. Come try out the new donation bin by donating new/unopened food, litter, or pet supplies!

Happy Tails – Heidi the cat reunited across time and states
Just before moving from Washoe County to Colorado, Heidi, the family cat went missing. Despite searching, Heidi was nowhere to be found. Two years went by and the hope of finding Heidi had dwindled. But on a sunny July day things took an unexpected turn. Heidi was discovered as a stray and taken to Washoe County Animal Services.
A diligent staff member scanned her for a microchip and found one! The microchip held a string of numbers that provided digital breadcrumb trail allowing staff to look up the information linked to the microchip number and ultimately leading to her family, now settled in Colorado. Arrangements were made, and a friend agreed to look after Heidi until her family could make the trip to retrieve her the following weekend.
No one could deny the impact of this small piece of technology. Heidi the cat was reunited across time and miles.
Is your cat microchipped like Heidi? Microchip them for free at Washoe County Animal Services to help ensure that when the unexpected happens, we can reunite you with your furry friend.