Washoe County requires a county-issued election press credential to be allowed in the ballot room during elections. Journalists must apply for badges, and badges can be provided to media outlets upon request.

Public access is provided in the observation room and in the County Commission Chambers.

“Member of the press” means an individual who gathers and reports the news, by publishing, broadcasting, or cablecasting articles, commentaries, books, photographs, video, film, or audio by electronic, print, or digital media, such as radio, television, newspapers, magazines, wires, books, and the Internet. A member of the press includes an employee of a newsgathering organization and a self-employed newsperson.

A headshot may be provided by the media, or a photo will be taken for you if pre-arranged with Washoe County staff.

Deadline to apply for credentials is 5 p.m. October 31. Applications for credentials may be processed after this deadline depending on space and availability of staff.

Media must present photo ID at time of pickup. Credentials are non-transferrable.

Media must always display their credentials in plain view while in the ballot room processing room.

Media may pick up credentials in person from the Washoe County Registrar of Voters Office:
1001 E. 9th Street, Building A, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. To pick up outside this time frame, please contact Washoe County directly.

Professional Conduct

Credentialed media are expected to follow basic guidelines of professional conduct. Washoe County will not tolerate harassment or distraction of election workers. Credentials may be revoked for any of, and not limited to, the following reasons:

  • Harassment of election staff or observers; (refer to election worker intimidation law)
  • Interference with the voting process or work of election staff;
  • Personal attacks of election staff either in person or online;
  • Electioneering, campaigning, or debating political issues in the ballot room or vote centers.

Journalists are allowed cell phone and laptop use within the Ballot Processing Room and Vote Centers. However, use of these devices is strictly prohibited when inside the Ballot Processing Room Observation Booth. In Vote Centers, please be respectful of voters and take any phone calls outside of the 100-foot no-electioneering boundary.

Vote Center Managers have the discretion to determine if anyone at their Vote Center is causing a disruption and can ask them to leave.

For the safety and respect of the other media, elections staff and voters, Washoe County maintains a zero-tolerance policy for harassment. By applying for a media credential, you are acknowledging and agreeing to these terms.


The ballot processing room is a secure room with limited space for media. Media may be subject to bag-searches and will be directed to leave weapons and non-essential gear in their vehicles.

There will be video and audio cables, as well as power cords and other tripping hazards in the media area. Every reasonable safety measure will be taken by staff to ensure a safe environment, but it is incumbent upon each individual to exercise caution and be respectful of the other media and their equipment in the room.

Space Constraints

The media area in the ballot room is limited. Print media, photographers, or other individuals may be asked to work in a location outside the Ballot Processing Room when not actively gathering news. Additional work space will be made available elsewhere outside of the Ballot Processing Room. Depending on the demand, Washoe County may ask media to elect a pool reporter and/or photographer.

The media area will remain open as long as the Ballot Processing Room is open. However, the rest of the County Complex is open only during normal working hours (8 a.m. to 5 p.m.) and media are not permitted to wander through the rest of the complex after hours.