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September is Library Card Sign-Up Month

by | Sep 3, 2024

What’s a small rectangle that fits in your pocket but puts all the knowledge in the world at your fingertips?

No, it’s not your phone. Here’s another clue: It’s also free. No monthly bill necessary.

That’s right, it’s a library card! Every September, Washoe County Library, the American Library Association, and libraries nationwide team up for Library Card Sign-Up Month to remind everyone about the value of a library card.

Having a library card gives you the opportunity to borrow books, audiobooks, CDs, and more from any of Washoe County Library’s 12 branches—or from the Library-on-the-Go bookmobile.

“Getting a library card today can help you gain a deeper understanding of the world,” said Washoe County Library Director Jeff Scott. “You can learn something new, find a book you can’t put down, and break through barriers to information.”

In fact, once you have a card, you don’t even need to visit a branch to enjoy library services. A Washoe County Library card also offers access to a digital library of ebooks, audiobooks, and digital magazines as well as LinkedIn Learning and other online educational tools, and even access to news sites like the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times.

You can sign up for a Washoe County Library card even if you don’t know how to read (yet).

“We love giving new library cards to babies!” said Assistant Library Director Stacy McKenzie, referring to the Baby’s First Library Card program. “We know that early literacy is so important to improving education, and our libraries provide so many free programs and resources with the exact purpose of giving children a great head start on their life-long goals through reading.”

To sign up for a library card or to learn more about the library’s resources and programs, please visit any Washoe County Library location or apply online today. Visit for more information.