Duncan Traner Community Library Open Saturday, August 8, 2015

by | Aug 4, 2015

In support of a community open house, the Duncan Traner Community Library will be open on Saturday, August 8 from noon until 2:30 p.m.  The library, which is usually open on Thursday afternoons, will be closed on August 6. The open house is sponsored by the Friends of Duncan Traner Library and the modified library schedule is to accommodate this event.  Join us to learn about library services, other resources in the community through the Northern Nevada Literacy Council, and get school supplies.
The library schedule for the week of August 3rd has changed slightly and is below:

Tuesday, August 4:  open from 3-5:30 p.m. (regular schedule)
Thursday, August 6:  closed
Saturday, August 8:  open from noon-2:30 p.m.

Duncan Traner Community Library is one of twelve library branches operated by Washoe County Library System.  For more information visit us at www.washoecountylibrary.us