Have a favorite hobby? Love to read about exotic destinations? The Washoe County Library offers an annual opportunity for the public to make sure popular and favorite periodicals are available. Patrons can partner with the library by “adopting” a periodical—paying for a one-year subscription. The “Adopt a Periodical” drive starts on June 7 and runs through August 9, 2015.
For the first time this year, the library is offering Flipster, giving patrons access to digital magazines that can be accessed and read on computers and mobile devices. If you would like to support this new and exciting service, please indicate “Flipster” as your preferred title. Donations for digital content will be used to fund in-demand titles that will be accessible to all Washoe County Library residents, regardless of library branch.
“This is an easy, tangible way to make a contribution to your library and your community,” said WCLS Director Arnie Maurins. “For a small donation you can ensure that the library will continue to offer the popular magazines our patrons enjoy reading. We very much appreciate our patrons’ generous support of our libraries.”
Simply visit your neighborhood library and ask to see a list of magazine titles. Make your selection, fill out a gift form and write a check. The “sponsored” magazines will begin arriving at the library by January 2016. Donations are tax-deductible. To meet ordering deadlines, the donation forms should be submitted by August 12.
Magazine subscriptions cost as little as $15 per year and cover a wide range of subjects – everything from Brides, Cat Fancy, Field & Stream and Ladies Home Journal to National Geographic, Nickelodeon, Skiing and Seventeen. Donors wishing to contribute larger amounts may choose to underwrite a business publication such as Value Line or Barron’s National Business and Financial Weekly. Specific needs vary by branch.
For further information please ask at your local library, call 327-8338 or email chillyard@washoecounty.us.