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Juvenile Probation Officer I, II

by | Feb 8, 2022

Annual Salary :

 I – $ 57,324.80 – $74,568.00

 II – $67,932.80 – $88,337.60

Deadline to apply: Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Position Information

I – Under close supervision, receives training to investigate, assess, and supervise juvenile offenders and/or court wards; make arrests of juvenile offenders or those in violation of court orders; make recommendations and prepare court reports and forms; aid in the social rehabilitation of juvenile offenders including case plans and counseling; represent the Department in court, at institutions, foster homes, and community agencies; and perform related work as required and in a manner consistent with the policies, procedures, and practices of the Department of Juvenile Services and in compliance with NRS Chapter 62.

II – Under general supervision and guidance, the incumbents investigate, assess, and supervise juvenile offenders and/or court wards; make arrests of juvenile offenders or those in violation of court orders; make recommendations and prepare court reports and forms; aid in the social rehabilitation of juvenile offenders including case plans and counseling; represent the Department in court, at institutions, foster homes, and community agencies; and perform related work as required and in a manner consistent with the policies, procedures, and practices of the Department of Juvenile Services and in compliance with NRS Chapter 62.

These are Open Competitive/Department Promotional recruitments being conducted to fill a current vacancies at Juvenile Services. The lists established from these recruitment may be used to fill future vacancies as they occur.

For more information on this position, please see the Job Specification at:

For more information and to apply online, please visit the Washoe County Job Opportunities Page:
