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Grants and Community Program Analyst

by | Dec 5, 2023

Annual Salary: $83,428.80 – $108,472.00

Deadline to Apply: Friday, December 22, 2023

Position Information: The Grants and Community Program Analyst plans and coordinates various projects; ensures the proper administration of grant funding sources and conducts in depth analysis and research to provide programmatic support to the Community Reinvestment program within the Office of the County Manager; and performs related work as required.

This is an Open Competitive/Countywide Promotional recruitment being conducted to fill two current full-time vacancies in the Office of the County Manager. The list established from this recruitment may be used to fill future vacancies as they occur.

For more information on this position, please see the Job Specification at:

For more information and to apply online, please visit the Washoe County Job Opportunities Page:
