Washoe County Health District investigates suspected measles cases

Feb 2, 2015

WHO/WHAT – Washoe County Health District investigates suspected measles cases.
WHEN – February 2, 2015
WHERE – Reno, Sparks, Washoe County, Nevada area
The Washoe County Health District received notifications today of two possible measles cases.
At this time, laboratory confirmation is pending; however, symptoms are consistent with measles.
One case attended Spanish Springs Elementary School during the infectious period and the Washoe County Health District is requiring the Washoe County School District comprise a list of all susceptible (non-vaccinated and immunocompromised) persons in the entire school, and exclude these individuals from school immediately, with active monitoring for each of them, to be conducted by the Health District.
A letter will be distributed to the entire school notifying them of the possible exposure and requesting they self-monitor for 21 days for signs and symptoms of measles.
The second case, unrelated to the school district, may have exposed coworkers. They will be notified by the Washoe County Health District to check immunity status, get vaccinated if they are not currently vaccinated and monitor for signs and symptoms.
The Health District is also asking any persons who think they have measles to please call your healthcare provider’s office, urgent care, or the emergency room before arrival. Clinicians at outpatient settings should notify emergency departments before sending any suspect cases for a further medical evaluation.
The Health District’s Communicable Disease Investigation Team will continue to monitor each case, and investigate contact exposures as needed.
For more information visit http://www.washoecounty.us/health or www.cdc.gov/measles/.

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