Update from the Washoe County Regional COVID-19 Regional Information Center on non-essential business closures

Mar 21, 2020



Health District Hotline:

Reno, Nev. March 21, 2020. Washoe County Sheriff Darin Balaam, Reno Police Chief Jason Soto, and Sparks Police Acting Chief Chris Crawforth are providing the following information to Washoe County business owners and residents in light of Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak’s directive for all non-essential businesses to close as of 11:59 p.m. on March 20. Businesses are directed to remain closed until April 16, 2020 in compliance with statewide efforts to increase public safety by reducing the spread of COVID-19.

All three local law enforcement leaders want to reassure that while you are at home, extra officers are on patrol in all three jurisdictions to help keep watch over closed businesses.

The Governor’s Declaration of Emergency (Directive 003) outlines specific actions that governments may take should businesses choose to violate the state’s directive. However, the initial intent is for law enforcement officers to issue warnings to businesses to help spread awareness about the need for this action, what businesses are impacted, and what the potential penalties are.

Members of the public who have questions or wish to report potential violations to this order are asked to contact the following numbers:

City of Reno:

Call Reno Direct 775-334-INFO (4636)

Visit www.reno.gov/covid19 

Email businesslic@reno.gov 


City of Sparks:

(775) 353-5555



Washoe County:

(775) 328-3733 



Information defining essential and non-essential business is provided through the Governor’s Declaration of Emergency, which is attached to this release.  

Again, all three law enforcement leaders wish to emphasize that their initial goal is to benefit the community’s public health effort through education and awareness. The Sheriff and Police Chiefs wish to acknowledge the many local businesses that are cooperating with the Governor’s directive and express their deep appreciation for the great sacrifice they, and their employees, are making to help all of us get through this public health emergency.

In that light, the Chiefs and Sheriff encourage as many residents as possible to support these businesses to any extent possible. In keeping with the Governor’s guidelines, many restaurants are now offering curbside pick-up or delivery. Residents are encouraged to make use of that service to help give these businesses much needed support during this time.