Green, Yellow and Red Burn Code program now in effect

Jan 21, 2015

Reno, Nevada. Jan. 20, 2015. With temperatures cooling down and fireplaces heating up, the Washoe County Health District would like to remind residents about the Green, Yellow and Red Burn Code intended to improve air quality in our region by reducing emissions from woodstoves and fireplaces.
This code and your participation is our best hope for clean air. In 1987, the Washoe County Air Quality Management Division (AQMD) initiated this code to reduce emissions from woodstoves and fireplaces. The Burn Code program uses traffic lights to convey whether citizens can burn during a given time. The program begins November 1st and runs through the end of February.

Green. It’s okay to burn when you see the Air Quality Index (AQI) in this Good to mid-Moderate range, but please burn only dry, seasoned wood.
Yellow. Go easy on how much you burn or stop altogether at this Moderate range. Compliance is voluntary but greatly encouraged. Reducing or stopping wood burning now can prevent air pollution from reaching unhealthy levels.
Red. When inversions settle into our area and the Health District declares a Stage 1 Episode – this prohibits burning for 24 hours. Compliance is enforced at this stage.

For more information about the Green, Yellow and Red Burn Code, including today’s burn code, please visit