District Board of Health adopts Second 10-Year Maintenance Plan for PM10

Jul 2, 2024

The District Board of Health met on June 27 and adopted AQMD's second 10-year maintenance planThe District Board of Health met on June 27, 2024.

DBOH adopts AQMD’s Second 10-Year Maintenance Plan

Eight years after the First PM10 10-Year Maintenance Plan was approved, the District Board of Health adopted the second 10-year plan from AQMD during its meeting last week. In 2001, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) designated the southern portion of Washoe County, known as the Truckee Meadows Hydrographic Area 87, as Serious Nonattainment, meaning the pollution was above National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for PM10 (particulates).
Read the plan >>

Want more information?

You can access the last DBOH agenda and our AQMD staff report to learn more about what was discussed during the meeting.