Washoe County District Attorney's Office

WCDA Statement on Death Penalty Commutation

District Attorney's Office Release on Upcoming Nevada Pardons Board Action and Filing of Legal Challenge

Dec 17, 2022

On Wednesday evening, just 3 business days before the December 20, 2022 meeting, Governor Sisolak added an item to the agenda for the Pardons Board December 20, 2022 meeting. Pursuant to the added agenda item, the Nevada Pardons Board will now be considering the commutation of all Nevada prisoners sentenced to death to a reduced sentence of life without parole.   The Washoe County District Attorney’s Office is strongly opposed to this and District Attorney Hicks has issued the following statement.


“The Governor’s last-minute requested agenda item violates Nevada’s Constitution and its relevant statutes.  Moreover, it tramples upon the fundamental rights of crime victims and disregards due process in the law.  Most importantly, the timing and nature of the added agenda item is an insult to those deceased victims who were tortured, raped, and slayed at the hands of the 57 heinous men on Nevada’s Death Row. 

There is a democratic process to debate and consider issues related to the death penalty.  It has happened multiple times during past legislative sessions in Nevada.  However, the proposed categorical elimination of 57 death sentences by a mere majority of an 8-member public body is unjust and undemocratic.

In response, my office filed a formal legal challenge to the agenda item in the First Judicial District Court this afternoon.”


Nevada Pardons Board hearings allow public comment and an email contact of info@parole.nv.gov  The amended agenda to the hearing is attached to this message, which contains the board item and location information on the hearing.



Kendall Holcomb

Public Information Officer

P:  (775) 328-3223
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