Washoe County District Attorney's Office

Guilty Verdict in Recent Drug Trafficking Case

WCDA Releases Results of HIDTA Prosecution

Apr 3, 2023

Washoe County District Attorney Chris Hicks announces that Reno resident Lameda White, age 51,has been found guilty of possession with intent to sell, trafficking of a controlled substance, and owning or possessing a firearm by a prohibited person.

In August of 2022, Reno Police Department (RPD) detectives received a report of Ms. White’s husband, Don Duprise White, age 54, selling drugs in Washoe County. Based on this information, an investigation was initiated and on September 17, 2022, officers with the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office (WCSO) conducted a traffic stop on I-80 eastbound near Boomtown of a vehicle occupied by both of the Whites.

During the stop, a WCSO K9 alerted deputies to the presence of a controlled substance in the vehicle. In the search of the vehicle, detectives located a black Smith & Wesson handgun and five (5) pounds of methamphetamine. The Whites were arrested and Don White ultimately pled guilty to one count of trafficking in a schedule I controlled substance over 100 grams and sentenced last December to 20 years in prison with eligibility for parole after 8.  The case against Lameda White proceeded to trial.

At the trial, Deputy District Attorney (DDA) Michael Vieta-Kabell presented the jury with evidence that Ms. White, who was driving the vehicle, initially lied to officers to conceal the fact that she was coming from California. Attorney Vieta-Kabell went on to present the jury with evidence that the Defendant had been convicted in Washoe County previously for possessing methamphetamine for sales after having just returned from Stockton. Jurors were also presented with testimony and evidence of the large amounts of cash, firearms paraphernalia, and packaging materials recovered from a search of the defendant’s apartment.

Sentencing for all charges is slated for May 30, 2023.

Washoe County District Attorney’s Office High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) Prosecutor DDA Vieta-Kabell would like to acknowledge the combined efforts of the WCSO and RPD on this case, and specifically the Regional Narcotics Unit and Northern Nevada Interdiction Task Force.  Their combined efforts continue to support the work of this office and the mission of the federally funded Northern Nevada HIDTA program.



The HIDTA program was created by Congress with the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 and aids federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies that are operating in areas considered to be critical drug-trafficking regions. The goals of Nevada’s HIDTA are: reduce drug availability by disrupting/dismantling drug trafficking organizations, measurably reduce methamphetamine manufacturing and distribution, reduce the harmful consequences of drug trafficking, improve the efficiency and effectiveness of law enforcement organizations and their efforts, measurably reduce drug-related crime, and establish a multi-agency drug intelligence network within the HIDTA region.


Kendall Holcomb

Public Information Officer

P:  (775) 328-3223
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