Washoe County District Attorney's Office

Drug trafficker sentenced to 25 years in prison

Sting operation recovers 30 pounds of methamphetamine

Jun 22, 2023

The Washoe County District Attorney’s Office has secured a 25-year prison sentence for a man who pled guilty to Trafficking in a Schedule I Controlled Substance, 400 Grams or More. 31-year-old California resident Alberto Diaz Rodriguez will be eligible for parole in 10 years.

In June of 2022, detectives with the Reno Police Department partnered with the Regional Narcotics Unit and the Regional Gang Unit to conduct a sting operation on an organization that was selling methamphetamine in Washoe County. During the course of that investigation, detectives arrested Rodriguez after he delivered more than 30 pounds of methamphetamine.

During sentencing, Chief Deputy District Attorney Amos Stege highlighted the devastating effects of methamphetamine on our community, including the increase in crimes committed by people addicted to drugs, and the subsequent victims. Stege argued that the defendant’s intentional and greed-based disregard for the effects of his actions warranted the 10-25 years in prison.

The Honorable Judge Egan Walker presided and imposed the sentence.


Kendall Holcomb

Public Information Officer

P:  (775) 328-3223
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