Washoe County District Attorney's Office

2020 Murder Case Result

WCDA Secures 1st Degree Murder Conviction and Sentence of Life in Prison Without the Possibility of Parole Following Six-Day Trial in Washoe County District Court

Apr 13, 2022

Washoe County District Attorney Chris Hicks has announced that Jesus Padilla, age 33 (dob 10/20/88) has been found guilty of 1st Degree Murder after a six-day trial in Washoe County District Court. Padilla was charged with open murder after beating Elizabeth Gurrola, his 24-year-old girlfriend, to death in their Grant Drive apartment. At the conclusion of trial, Padilla was sentenced by the jury to life in prison without the possibility of parole.


On August 12, 2020, California Highway Patrol (CHP) Troopers stopped Padilla on suspicion of driving under the influence. Padilla had been traveling northbound on US 395 near Susanville, California when he was pulled over and contacted by CHP. During the traffic stop, CHP Troopers noticed that Padilla’s clothing was covered with a large amount of blood staining and that Padilla did not have any injuries consistent with this appearance. During questioning, CHP Troopers became even more suspicious and requested a welfare check of Padilla’s Reno apartment. A welfare check was conducted by the Reno Police Department (RPD), which led to the discovery of the victim. A subsequent investigation by RPD Robbery Homicide Detectives determined that Ms. Gurrola had been in a dating relationship but was seeking to end that relationship, ultimately leading to her murder. Padilla was arrested at the scene of the traffic stop in Lassen County, California and later extradited back to Washoe County. A subsequent autopsy determined that Ms. Gurrola had sustained multiple severe blunt force injuries to her head and face, which resulted in her death. When interviewed, Padilla admitted to punching and stomping the victim’s head and face multiple times.            

During trial, Chief Deputy District Attorney Matt Lee and Deputy District Attorney Michael Vieta-Kabell presented evidence from numerous witnesses demonstrating that Padilla’s attack on Elizabeth lasted for as long as an hour and half as well as evidence Padilla took numerous steps to hide his crime and ultimately flee the state.


On April 11th at the conclusion of the trial Chief Deputy Lee and Deputy Vieta-Kabell argued that Padilla should be sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. They and members of Ms. Gurrola’s family presented evidence of Elizabeth’s achievements and how integral she was to the lives of her friends and family. Chief Deputy Lee and Deputy Vieta-Kabell further argued that the severity of Padilla’s attack and his lack of remorse warranted spending the rest of his life in prison. After significant deliberations the members of the jury concurred. Padilla is due back before Judge David Hardy on June 7th for entry of judgment and commitment to the Nevada Department of Corrections.

Kendall Holcomb

Public Information Officer

P:  (775) 328-3223
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