Washoe County District Attorney Chris Hicks announces that a former Washoe County School District music teacher has been sentenced to 50 years in prison after pleading no-contest to 3 counts pertaining to his sexual abuse of two female students. He was sentenced by the Honorable Tammy Riggs, District Court Judge.
Jose Flores-Montelongo (dob 9/2/67) was arrested in April of 2022, after a woman went to the Reno Police Department (RPD) and reported that when she was 12 years old, she and her middle school teacher, Flores-Montelongo, had a sexual relationship. The victim disclosed that the defendant began grooming her before the sexual abuse began. The sexual abuse occurred at the middle school in the band room, and continued until the victim was in high school and had turned 16. In May of 2022, a second victim contacted RPD after seeing reports of the arrest of Flores-Montelongo. She reported that when she was 13 years old, her teacher, Flores-Montelongo, engaged in inappropriate touching with her while at school in the band room.
In commenting on today’s sentencing, DA Hicks stated, “This is the kind of case that as a community we never want to see or hear about; a middle school teacher who is secretly grooming and sexually abusing his female students while they are at school. Flores-Montelongo betrayed his profession, our community, his family, students, and, most importantly, his young victims – vulnerable adolescents who should’ve been the ones most cared for and protected. I commend the sentence pronounced by Judge Riggs and hope Flores serves his entire 50 year sentence. “
During sentencing, Deputy District Attorney Nicole Hicks argued for the maximum of 20 years in prison for each count to be served consecutively, citing “this defendant epitomizes a wolf in sheep’s clothing.” She presented testimony and evidence of how the defendant showed grooming behaviors towards each of the victims, as well as other students. Hicks also presented forensic evidence taken from the classroom where the crimes took place that helped prove the sexual abuse, and she praised the courage of the victims who were integral pieces to the investigation. In addition, Judge Riggs spoke directly to the victims, acknowledging their experiences and ensuring they knew they were valued by our community.
The defendant was sentenced as follows:
Count I – Attempted Sexual Assault Against a Child Under 14: 20 years in prison with parole eligibility after 8 years have been served.
Count II – Attempted Sexual Assault Against a Child Under 16: 20 years in prison with parole eligibility after 8 years have been served, consecutive to Count I.
Count III – Attempted Lewdness by a Person over 18 with a Child Less than 14: 10 years in prison with parole eligibility after 4 years have been served, consecutive to Count II.
As a result, Flores-Montelongo will serve 50 years in prison with parole eligibility after 20 years have been served*
* Under Nevada Law, a defendant must be considered for parole after 40% of a sentence has been served.