Washoe County District Attorney's Office

Defendant Sentenced to Life in Prison

Victim Fought Back Against Attacker

Aug 19, 2024

The Washoe County District Attorney’s Office secured a life sentence in a Kidnapping and Battery case on August 1st. Jeremiah Langford (dob 1/24/76) was found guilty by a jury in the case back in May of this year.

In August of 2022, a woman working trail maintenance at Oxbo Park was approached by Langford from behind. After welcoming him to the park, the woman turned around to continue working, and a moment later the defendant wrapped his arm around the victim’s neck, causing her to fight back with the pruning shears she was holding. During the struggle, the woman ended up on her back and Langford continued to attack her by grabbing her leg and trying to pull her away from where she was working. The victim kept fighting, and eventually Langford ran away. Officers with the Reno Police Department were able to connect with Langford and bring him in for an interview, where he was later arrested.

Deputy District Attorney Lorena Valencia argued for a sentence of life in prison, citing the aggravating facts of the case, including the fact that the defendant targeted a complete stranger in the middle of the day who was just doing her job, and the fact he had attacked her in such a terrifying manner that caused her to fight for her life. The Honorable Judge Connie Steinheimer imposed the life sentence, with parole eligibility after 5 years.   

Kendall Holcomb

Public Information Officer

P:  (775) 328-3223
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