Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Make Child Pornography Arrest

Sep 5, 2023

On August 28, 2023, the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force (ICAC) arrested 24-year-old Jordan Roberston for possession of visual pornography of a person under 16 and use of the internet to control visual pornography of a person under 16.

This case began as a National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) cyber tip created by an internet service provider (ISP) reporting suspected images of Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) within their cloud storage. The IP address returned to Sparks, Nevada.

The ICAC Task Force initiated an investigation based on the IP address that resulted in the service of a search warrant for the residence of Jordan Robertson. After the warrant was served, Robertson’s cell phone was seized, and he was interviewed by detectives.

The ICAC Task Force performed a digital forensic analysis of the seized cell phone and located additional CSAM images on the device, resulting in Robertson’s arrest.

The Washoe County Sheriff’s Office has led our region in the fight against child exploitation by dedicating full-time resources to the ICAC task force. These cybercrime fighters work closely with the Sparks Police Department, F.B.I., Nevada Attorney General’s Office, and Department of Homeland Security Investigations to track down and arrest those responsible for exploiting children.

As the internet has no jurisdictional boundaries, the Sheriff’s Office partners with local and federal agencies to support this mission. Task force members are deputized as Special Deputy United States Marshals through their task force participation with the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (F.B.I) Child Exploitation Task Force.


Jordan Robertson

Sergeant Kristin Vietti

Public Information Officer